Project Challenge » Program Goals

Program Goals

Elementary and Intermediate Program Overview


  • Critical Thinking/STEAM lesson in-class enrichment once a marking period

1st Grade

  • Critical Thinking/STEAM lesson in-class once a month

2nd Grade-5th Grade

  • Pull-out, and are held during the regular school day at Cinnaminson Memorial School once a week. Project Challenge lessons and activities are designed to address not only general intellectual ability, but also creative and productive thinking, problem-solving skills, and leadership ability.

Program goals are: 

  • To expand the student's interest, motivation, and performance in an atmosphere allowing for individual interests and needs.
  • To develop independence in learning and awareness of strengths and weaknesses.
  • To provide an opportunity for students to develop leadership and peer group interaction.
  • To stimulate each student to assume an increasing degree of responsibility for student learning and to provide students with challenges to inspire them to reach their potential.
  • To develop research and reference skills through multi-media techniques.
  • To increase awareness that the gifted have exceptional needs which must be met.
  • To provide access to outside resources and facilities for further stimulation.
  • To provide an inter-disciplinary experience for students.
  • To encourage experiences using higher levels of thought that require both independent and group study.