Home & School Association
The Cinnaminson Elementary Home & School Association (CEHASA) is dedicated to enhancing the environment in our schools. Every parent/guardian is a member of the association. Getting involved benefits you, your children, our schools and our community. This is a opportunity to give back to our children through programs provided by Home & School during the school year. Volunteers are needed in order for these programs to run smoothly and efficiently. The success of the Home & School activities depend on the members who generously volunteer their time and talents. It doesn't matter how much time you have to commit. We are grateful for any amount of time that a parent can give. Think of all the good you can do by getting involved. You will help your children and our schools. You may even learn a little about yourself. You can use your talents to make a difference and make some new friends along the way. Any amount of time you can donate is appreciated and helpful. As events are formed, they will be added to the Sign Up Genius.
1. Go to signupgenius.com
2. Go to Find a Sign up
3. Enter [email protected] in the email field
4. Pick a program or activity that you would like to volunteer for and sign up with your first and last name and email address.
2. Go to Find a Sign up
3. Enter [email protected] in the email field
4. Pick a program or activity that you would like to volunteer for and sign up with your first and last name and email address.
You can contact CEHASA and find out about current events by:
- Following us on Facebook: Cinnaminson Elementary Home and School
- Following us on Instagram: cinnaminson_elem_cehasa
- Sending us an email [email protected]